Steve Hutcheson
Hutch working with men's volleyball team in Nairobi, Kenya
Hutch has coached 40 volleyball teams and has conducted a combination of more than 100 players’ camps and coaches’ clinics. He started playing volleyball in 1969 on his high school varsity team and continued to play for 29 years including some years in the Open and BB divisions. He attended Abilene Christian University where he earned a B.B.A. and an M.B.A. In 1983, Hutch obtained a J.D. from Texas Tech School of Law. He is President of Hutch Volleyball, LLC. Hutch has coached at several private high schools in the North Texas area.
USA Volleyball
Hutch holds several USAV certifications including: IMPACT, CAP I, CAP II and CAP III certifications (1 of only 5 CAP III coaches in the North Texas Region). He also holds the USAV IMPACT Instructor certification. Hutch has served on the tryout staff of several USA Volleyball National Teams, at the Olympic Training Center (“OTC”) including: 1) Court Coach and Administration for the USA Women’s National Volleyball Team; 2) Court Coach and/or Evaluator for the USAV Youth National Team; and 3) Evaluator for the USAV Junior National Team.
USAV High Performance Program
Hutch was a USAV High Performance Coach for 14 years (the High Performance Program ended in January of 2021). As a High Performance Coach, he regularly attended the annual High Performance Coaches’ Clinic at the OTC. Hutch was an evaluator and eventually the Lead Evaluator for several USA Volleyball High Performance tryouts held across the United States. During the summers, Hutch coached at USAV National High Performance Camps.
International Coaching Enrichment Certification Program (ICECP
In 2012, Hutch was honored to be invited by USA Volleyball (“USAV”), in cooperation with the US Olympic Committee, to represent the USA at the ICECP session held at the Olympic Training Center in Colorado Springs. The ICECP program provides international coaches with intensive education that consists of lectures, projects, guest speakers, participant presentations, group work, field trips and project planning. It is funded by the International Olympic Committee. The participants in ICECP were all national-level coaches in their home countries. The coaches in attendance came from 31 nations, 5 continents and represented 11 Olympic sports.
Africa Outreach
Hutch worked with the Vision 21 Group in Nairobi, Kenya and Edinah Rotich (former coach of the Kenyan National Volleyball Team and former Kenyan National Volleyball Team player) and Catherine Kirongo (former player on the Kenya National Volleyball Team) to improve the infrastructure of the sport of volleyball in Kenya. Hutch conducted several Protege Hutch Camps and Coaches Clinics in Kenya. He also conducted free camps for the kids in the Mathare North Slum in Nairobi. Hutch was the guest instructor at the first Vision 21 and Hutch Volleyball Coaches Clinic. National Team coaches from Kenya and Cameroon were among the coaches who attended the clinics. Two of his former players traveled to Kenya to serve as coaches at the Players Camp. The Lord opened doors for the volleyball ministry in Kenya. During these trips, Hutch was allowed to speak at the Church of Christ in the Mathare North Slum of Nairobi, Kenya. In the past, Hutch Volleyball has shipped volleyball shoes to Nairobi, Kenya to be worn by the volleyball players in that country who cannot afford proper volleyball shoes.
Hutch is or has been a member of the following organizations: United States Volleyball Association; American Volleyball Coaches Association, the National Federation of High School Volleyball Association, Texas High School Coaches Association and the Texas Girls Coaches Association.