Club Volleyball
It is the coach that your child will play for. A great majority of volleyball clubs can work with players to help them receive a scholarship offer. Therefore, the main focus of the selection process is who will be in charge of coaching your child. A university survey of athletes found that coaches were second only to parents as the most influential role models for athletes (35% placed their coaches ahead of their parents). Hence, choose wisely.
Pre-Tryout Clinics
There are several benefits of going to a club’s pre-tryout:
The player can compare their talents to other players.
You can meet the coaches.
You can see the quality of play
You can see the quality of the organization and its facilities
This is a critical part of the club decision-making process. Many clubs offer sessions that may be called, “Open Gyms or Pre-Tryout Clinics” or some other name. These sessions are very useful for both the clubs and the families. At these clinics, the coaches have an opportunity to watch many players over a period of several weeks. This allows the players to have many opportunities to impress the coaches. At the end of each session, most coaches are willing to talk to players and their parents. As a parent, listen for catch phrases and/or key words that coaches may use that can indicate what they are thinking about your child’s abilities and chances of making that particular coach’s team. Phrases such as, “really like, very interested or excellent player” are used when a coach really is interested in the player.
It is important to know that in the North Texas Region (NTR), no offer made by a club/coach is binding until such time as the official tryouts have occurred and a written contract has been given to the parent. Many coaches will commit orally to a player and may ask that the player orally accept the oral offer made by the coach. Even this oral agreement is not binding on either party. However, if the coach has a respected reputation and is known to be a person of honor and integrity, and such a coach makes an oral commitment to a player, this type of coach is putting their word of honor on the line and a parent should feel assured that the coach will honor his/her oral commitment to the player.
In many cases, THE TRYOUT is harder on the parents than the player. If it seems that the clubs all have their tryouts at the same time, well, they do and it’s on purpose. The thinking of these clubs is to place their tryout at such a time that it requires parents to choose between clubs. I know of one club that intentionally moved its tryout to conflict with the times of other clubs after it discovered the times of other clubs’ tryouts. It is important to know a few points that can help your daughter make a club team. These points do not guarantee that your child will make the team or club that your family wants to make but they will certainly help:
Remember to choose a coach and not a club
Choose a coach that fits your daughter
Don’t succumb to the pressure to sing immediately
Be bold (but polite!)
Get noticed!
Play within yourself
Be vocal
Parent Information Meeting
This is the most important meeting for the parent. At this meeting, you will hear a presentation by the directors of the club. They will go over fees, introduce coaches and talk about the over all schedule of events for the club, including the tournament schedule. These meetings give the club the opportunity to present themselves in the most favorable light. Therefore, watch to see how the directors set the tone of the meeting. Are they telling the parents that your family is lucky to be associated with this club and that there are plenty of other families that want your spot in case you don’t take it? Or, are they welcoming you to their family. Are they appreciative of your coming to their meeting? This overtone can speak a lot about the entire personality of the club.